Studying Artist, Jim Dine


Working on samples for the free Saturday Art Class at the Arts Center in Orange on January 30 from 10:00 to 12:00. This project will be based on Jim Dine’s “The Confetti Heart”, 1985. I have seen Dine’s art, even in person, but preparing this lesson really struck me. He says he has painted millions of hearts, how freeing to pick a symbol that is meaningful and then just paint and paint. I am going to try this once my studio thaws. I want to paint abstractly but do get hung up on the subject matter.

Funny thing is, I was pretending to be an artist on my porch one day back in 1978. I was throwing paint at a heart shape. Did I have it all figured out back then or is this all a farce? I see why the critics gave Jim Dine a hard time but he is still painting at age 75 and I can’t wait to be free.

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